What is product rank?
Assessment rank Price Condition Protective seal Scratches Network usage restrictions
S Rank Estimated price: Maximum price New / Unused Yes No  ◯
※Turning on the power when confirming opening
Rank Estimated price:  80~90% New / Unused No No  ◯
※Charging less than 3 times
Rank Estimated price:  70% Second hand No Yes  ◯ / △
※Very small scratches, except for the LCD screen
Rank Estimated price:  50% Second hand No Yes  ◯ / △
※Easy-to-understand scratches, including LCD screen part
Rank Estimated price:  20% Second hand No Yes  ◯ / △
※Large scratches, including LCD screen part
Rank Estimated price:  5~10% Second hand No Yes  ◯ / △ / ╳
※LCD screen cracking, back sinking, other difficult to use with scratches